Today, metal structures are one of the most demanded materials in the construction of buildings and structures. On their basis, frames, interfloor and attic floors are formed. In addition, they are used in a number of other areas of modern construction.
As a rule, metal structures are usually classified into various types, depending on the purpose, size, shape, manufacturing technology and properties, and, accordingly, the specific scope. At the moment, metal structures are unmatched among materials that are used for similar purposes. For example, an unsurpassed advantage of metal structures over reinforced concrete is their small mass. In addition, they have such properties as:
- durability;
- operational reliability;
- high resistance to mechanical stress;
- high construction speed.
The last given property is often used in cases where it is necessary to build an object of both low, medium and large number of storeys in a short time. Another characteristic feature of metal structures is their high transportability. Especially often they are used in the construction of temporary, collapsible and mobile structures, where such structures are practically indispensable.
The steady annual growth of their use in all developed countries of the world testifies to the high popularity and demand for metal structures. Moreover, they are actively used by the military and other specialized departments for the construction of special-purpose facilities. In addition, thanks to the active use of special metal structures, a new type of structure has appeared, called prefabricated buildings.